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Qingdao Haitaike Molding Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2003 with a registered capital of 64 million yuan. The company is mainly engaged in the R & D, design, manufacturing and sales of injection molds and plastic parts. The company insists on taking injection mold as the foundation, continuously improves the automation and intelligence level of mold manufacturing, and provides injection mold and plastic parts products for modern manufacturing industry. The company has two subsidiaries. Haityco mold was established on January 7, 2004, mainly engaged in the R & D, design, manufactu...

About Us

Founded in 2003 with a registered capital of 64 million yuan, it focuses on the R & D, design, manufacturing and sales of injection molds and plastic parts.


Founded in 2003 with a registered capital of 64 million yuan, it focuses on the R & D, design, manufacturing and sales of injection molds and plastic parts.

Manufacturing Equipment

Founded in 2003 with a registered capital of 64 million yuan, it focuses on the R & D, design, manufacturing and sales of injection molds and plastic parts.

Model Test Verification

Founded in 2003 with a registered capital of 64 million yuan, it focuses on the R & D, design, manufacturing and sales of injection molds and plastic parts.

Technology Center

Founded in 2003 with a registered capital of 64 million yuan, it focuses on the R & D, design, manufacturing and sales of injection molds and plastic parts.

cOrporate Culture

Casting mold quality, create excellent products, and be a respected molding brand.

Products Center

The company is mainly engaged in the R & D, design, manufacturing and sales of injection molds and plastic parts. The company insists on taking injection mold as the foundation, continuously improves the automation and intelligence level of mold manufacturing, and provides injection mold and plastic parts products for modern manufacturing industry

Leading Innovation

The company has an independent R & D system and independently trained R & D personnel. Through the R & D, design and manufacturing experience accumulated in the field of injection mold for many years, the company has formed physical foaming mold technology, chemical foaming mold technology, low-pressure injection mold technology Corepack injection molding technology, corein injection molding technology, high gloss mold technology, multi-color mold technology, IMD mold technology, gas assisted mold technology and other core technologies with strong competitiveness.

Strategic Partners

With strong technical R & D strength, excellent product performance, strict quality control, rich project experience and perfect after-sales service, the company has established a high brand awareness in the industry and established good cooperative relations with many well-known automobile manufacturers at home and abroad.

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