

 Founded Hi-Tech

Qingdao Haitaike Molding Technology Co., Ltd. was founded in 2003 with a registered capital of 64 million yuan. The company is mainly engaged in the R & D, design, manufacturing and sales of injection molds and plastic parts. The company insists on taking injection mold as the foundation, continuously improves the automation and intelligence level of mold manufacturing, and provides injection mold and plastic parts products for modern manufacturing industry.

The company has two subsidiaries. Haityco mold was established on January 7, 2004, mainly engaged in the R & D, design, manufacturing and sales of injection molds and plastic parts. Its main products are injection molds. It is the main production and operation base of the company and mainly undertakes the production and operation functions of the company. Established on July 8, 2019, Thailand haityco is the company's overseas production and operation base, which mainly undertakes the company's production and operation business in Thailand. Its main products are plastic parts.

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